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Porṭan Mushroom Forest

The Portan Mushroom Forest portal

The Porṭan Mushroom Forest is the stomping grounds of the prominent private researcher, Shem Peraṭi. Here he invented the Porṭan Portal, which the Bavel Macrostructure stole when they seized the land.

Porṭan is a wild place. The giant, horned psychedelic mushrooms scramble common communications signals, cutting off the land from the outside world. It’s easy to get lost in this sea of leaves and fungi, and many wanderers have lost their sanity as a result. Pluck and eat the wrong berries, and you’ll fall into a stupor. Smell the wrong blossom, and you’ll die. Carnivores feast upon gazelles and the weak. And decomposing corpses feed the forest’s soil and foliage.

The Porṭan Mushroom Forest comes from the טפר shoresh family, which governs portals, mushrooms, claws, predators, carnivores, leaves, insanity, scrambling, dropped berries, death, decomposition and more.

We reached 1,000 Instagram followers!

We reached 1,000 followers on Instagram! Milhamah fans, thank you for helping us reach 1,000 Instagram followers! There was a time not too many months ago where I thought we’d never get over 200 followers. After a long hiatus of making comics, I came back to the platform and realized that algorithm changes dried up the likes we used to get. Thankfully, I gradually found an engaged group of anime fans, artists and Japanese readers who liked Milhamah’s outlandish characters and settings.  From here on, I’ll continue to do my best to create the best battle manga about linguistics that’s out there. And don’t worry: More Japanese translations are on the way!  The above dance animation will likely be the first of many dance and action animations that I’ll make to mark milestones and important announcements. I’d love to create rough animations of some of the manga’s action scenes someday. Meanwhile, If you like Shem ‘Etzem’s adventures, tell your friends. And visit our Etsy shop (AksanyahStudios) and buy some stickers, print comics, dice and more!

Shem Pe’ullah

Shem Pe'ullah is Shem's mom.

Shem Pe’ullah is a working woman and the mother of Shem ‘Etzem. In addition, she is a passionate master of aerial acrobatic attacks. While her husband, Shem Peraṭi, loves research and theory, Pe’ullah believes in the power of initiative and physical action. While wealthy, she recklessly works herself to exhaustion. When she sweats, she covers herself in a cloud of perfume that makes enemies faint, weak or afraid.

Shem Pe’ullah is powered by the לעפ shoresh family, which governs activity, labor, high places, perfume, fainting, weakness, exhaustion, perfume, hemorrhoids and more.

シェム・ぺウラーは働く女性であり、 シェム・エツェムの母親でもあります。 また、彼女は空中アクロバット攻撃の情熱的な達人です。 夫のシェム・ペラティは研究と理論が大好きですが、ペウラーは率先力と身体活動の力を信じています。 裕福ですが、無謀に働き、疲れ果てています。 彼女が汗をかくと、敵を気絶させたり、弱らせたり、怖がらせたりする香水の雲に身を包みます。

Insulating Linens

The Insulating Clothes separate the fashionable from the rest. Insulating Linens are a necessity when walking the cold, lonely streets of Mattanah. Besides keeping warm in the winter, these garments also stay cool in the heat and boost the wearer’s elusiveness in battle. The wealthy, such as this fashion model Devirah Bad, separate themselves from the lower classes by dressing in motley down quilts, often tinted olive. That’s because the linens are so garish that they socially isolate everyone except other wearers. The Insulating Linens come from the בדד shoresh family, which governs insulation, linens, clothes, olive presses, elusion and isolation. マッタナーの寒くて孤独な通りを歩くときは、絶縁リネンがが必要です。 これらの衣服は、冬に暖かくするだけでなく、暑さの中でも涼しくする。そして戦闘での着用者の逃げる才能を支援します。 このファッションモデルのデヴィラ・バッドのような裕福な人々は、多色のダウンキルト(しばしばオリーブ色)を着ることによって、貧乏人から違います。 それは、リネンが非常に派手で、他の着用者を除くすべての人を社会的に孤立させているためです。

Middle Child Shem ‘Etzem

Middle Child Shem 'Etzem looks for roots.

As the middle child of the Shem family, Shem ‘Etzem feared mediocrity. So he grew up to be an independent and headstrong son. And he always tried his best despite being hobbled by bone-related health issues.

While he loved to sleep in bed and read his favorite comic (the superhero cow Baqar Tov), his favorite activity was searching for shoresh roots with his father, Shem Peraṭi. Often, the two would go to Porṭan Mushroom Portal’s forest and intensely search for roots. ‘Etzem’s garlic scape hat not only hid his small ears, but it held his trusty Objective Lens. And on a lucky day, he’d find a גונ root, a multicolored mandrake with chameleonlike powers.

Middle Child Shem ‘Etzem mainly got his power from the מעץ shoresh family. That governs shuteye, beds, bones, middle, mediocrity, intensity, independence, effort, small ears, objectivity, compound lenses and cattle.

シェム家の真ん中の子供として、シェム・エツェムは平凡さを恐れていました。 それで彼は成長して独立した頭の強い息子になりました。 そして、彼骨に関連する康問題に悩まされていたにもかかわらずいつも最善を尽くしました

彼はベッドで寝てお気に入りの漫画(スーパーヒーローの牛バカル・トヴ)を読むのが好きでしたが、彼のお気に入りの活動は父親のシェム・ペラティと一緒にショレッシュ根を探すことでした。 多くの場合、2人はポータン・キノコ・ポータルの森に行き、根を徹底的に探しました。 エツェムのニンニクの花茎の帽子は、彼の小さな耳を隠しただけでなく、彼の信頼できる対物レンズを掛けました。 そして幸運な日に、彼はカメレオンのような力を持つ色とりどりのマンドレークであるגונの根を見つけました。