- Shoresh family: ספר
- Drive: Truth, Order Habitat: Sifriyyah
- Liability Points: 2DN or 10
- Attributes: DOM 1 VIG 1 GRA 0 CRE 3 WIS 5 PEA 2 BLE 3
- Tags: Ben-Adam, Cut, Earth, Education, Math, Mind
- Basic attacks: Sapphire Shears
- Description: As the numeral of the Holy Tongue Society, Mispar is an expert scholar at digital attacks. He lugs a heavy bookbag full of reference texts and attacks with giant sapphire shears! (聖舌協会の数字のリレシェフ・ミスパーは、デジタル攻撃のエキスパート学者です。彼は参照テキストでいっぱいの重いブックバッグを引っ張り、巨大なサファイアのはさみで攻撃します!)
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