Milhamah RPG Version 0.1 released!

Milhamah RPG Version 0.1 is released!

“In this tabletop adventure RPG, the linguistic parts of speech come to life, wield ancient alphabet powers and fight an apocalyptic war to overthrow a new Tower of Babel’s tyranny.”

After a year or two of worldbuilding and concepts, I recently entered a game jam to finally put together a Version 0.1 of my “Milhamah: Fighting Words” tabletop RPG on

In the end, I didn’t have time to finalize all the enemies, items and speech acts I had envisioned. But in 12 days, I got 53 pages organized and formatted, including core rules and a character sheet.

I can’t wait to finesse a few concepts and get another version out. I’ve already been doing an in-depth proofread of Chapter 1 and found a few errors, some due to formatting issues with InDesign. I plan to fix those errors in the next few days by releasing Version 0.1.1. And I hope to add a few speech acts and bad guys that I really wanted to add. Stay tuned!

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