Kite Flying Fowl

Kite Flying Fowl

INKTOBER DAY 16 (FOWL): The Kite Flying Fowl gets gloomy and worried when she can’t fly to catch winged insects. But with the help of double kites, a directional breeze and a bit of reckless zeal, this chicken can still sail the skies. While in the air, the hen has excellent navigation, dark vision and farsighted abilities — to the point where she can supposedly predict the future.

  • Shoresh family: ועף
  • Attributes: DOM 1R, VIG 1R, GRA 2R, CRE 4R, WIS 3R, PEA 1R, BLE 4R
  • Habitat: Medinat Zayin, Medinat Mem, Mountains
  • Tags: Bird, Discouragement, Fly, Darkness, Revelation, See

インクトーバー 16 日目 (鶏): 凧揚げ鶏は、翼のある昆虫を捕まえるために飛ぶことができないと憂鬱になり、心配になります。 しかし、二枚の凧、指向性のそよ風、そして少しの無謀な熱意の助けを借りて、このニワトリは空を飛ぶことができます. 空にいる間、めんどりはすごいナビゲーション、暗視、遠視能力を持っており、おそらく未来を予測できるほどです。

Fallout Griffin

The Fallout Griffin drops in.


INKTOBER DAY 11 (EAGLE): The Fallout Griffin is an mutant eagle/bobcat/lynx hybrid that developed due to exposure to radioactive fallout. That exposure makes the griffin powerful but clumsy, as it often drops from the sky due to molting too many feathers. While it’s a ferocious predator, its favorite food is fruit.

インクトーバー 11 日目 (鷲): フォールアウト・グリフィンは、放射性降下物にさらされたために発生したミュータントの鷲/ボブキャット/大山猫のハイブリッドです。 その露出により、グリフィンは強力ですが、脱皮しすぎるために空から落ちることが多いため、不器用になります。 獰猛な捕食者ですが、好物は果物です。

  • Shoresh family: נרש
  • Attributes: DOM 4R, VIG 2R, GRA 1R, CRE 2R, WIS 1R, PEA 1R, BLE 1R
  • Habitat: Medinat Ṿaṿ, Mountains
  • Tags: Bird, Beast, Light, Disease, Fall, Fly

Late-blooming Bat

The Late-blooming Bat is gloomy over unripe fruit.

The Late-blooming Bat is a gloomy serotine bat species that flies above the Ulpan Academy. When they swarm in large numbers, they form a dark cloud around the Ulpan that lets the ‘Ivrit Revival Movement operate in secrecy. The bat’s favorite food is fruit, but the ones it carries mysteriously never ripen.

The bat is powered by the A-L-P shoresh family, which governs serotine bats, ripening, darkness and more.