Holy Tongue Society

The Holy Tongue Society (Hebrew: Haverut la-Lashon ha-Qodesh/חברות ללשון הקודש) is a special forces paramilitary organization that is designed to protect the language of ‘Ivrit and other world languages. They aim to do this by weaponizing ancient alphabet powers and and fighting the forces of Beli Ya'al and the Bavel Macrostructure.
The society, known as Ḥeleq for short, is mainly composed of agents who are each based on one of the linguistic parts of speech. However, it also has liaison members who are tied to the ‘Ivrit Revival Movement and its military.
Because Bavel has conquered most of the world, the society typically works in secret in hidden bases throughout the world. Such bases include the Ulpan military academy, the Qumran caves and the Binyan.
The Holy Tongue Society is based on the apocalyptic warriors found in the Dead Sea Scrolls’ war scrolls, with partial historical inspirations from the Qumran community, the Maccabees and the Zealots.
While Ḥeleq is technically paramilitary, it gets secret funding from the ‘Ivrit military and works in close coordination with its various branches.
Ḥeleq members typically are skilled in martial arts, escape, small arms, languages, hacking, explosive lockpicking, vehicle operation, safecracking, hotwiring, survival, tracking, first aid, parachuting, diving and more.
Ḥeleq is divided into several departments, which do the following:
- Phonetics Dept. (intelligence): Reconnaissance, scouting, tracking, infiltration, cryptography, surveillance and espionage
- Phonology Dept. (information warfare): Propaganda, subversion, demoralization, disinformation, interrogation, recruiting and psyops
- Morphology Dept. (logistics): research and development, venture capital and fundraising, logistics and resupply, arms smuggling, run safe houses, give humanitarian aid
- Syntax Dept. (economic warfare):, preclusive buying, blockades, sabotage, demolition, and infrastructure attacks, expropriation, destroying money networks, freezing and seizing assets, privateering and supply raids
- Semantics Dept. (political warfare): escort missions and transport of units, evacuation, hostage rescue, training operations, organizing front groups and guerrilla forces for coups and insurgencies, peacekeeping
- Pragmatics Dept. (direct/tactical action): Ambushes, hijackings, harassment, captures, targeted killings and assassinations, combat support and counterterrorism
Ḥeleq also has liaisons to the following committees:
- Scientific Secretariat: The Holy Tongue Society’s research and development division. It’s in charge of mining and tapping new shoresh roots for the development of new speech acts. Shem ‘Etzem is chair.
- Treasury: This committee monitors Ḥeleq‘s funds.
The Society primarily works on land and in the cyber/spiritual realm, but is able to do limited naval and air operations in a pinch.
In terms of politics, Ḥeleq wishes to safeguard language as a conduit of expressing the infinitude of God and liberty from foreign slavery. It supports the ‘Ivrit independence movement, which aims to transgress against Bavel’s rule. It also archives history and seeks to repair the world’s speech by rectifying names.
Ḥeleq’s ideology is also religious, rooted in divine truth. Members are devoted to their god, Ha-Shem, and frequently pray and seek the Bat Qol for assistance. Members see themselves as “sons of light” destined to defeat the global “sons of darkness” and their leader, Beli Ya’al. They oppose the Bavel Macrostructure’s campaign to dissolve all other nations, languages and creeds besides its own. Ḥeleq also rejects the Sefer Yetzer Ra’ and many of its assertions as corrupted by Bavel.
However, Society members do not agree on everything. One controversial issue is whether members should fight with temurah ciphers. Hardliners view this tactic as a form of Bavel’s deception and, in many cases, corrupting the God-ordained nature of reality. In contrast, the other side sees ciphers as a divine code of revelation that Bavel has hijacked and misused.
There are sharp disagreements among Society members over whether they are freedom fighters; how zealous and radical they should be in protecting the Holy Tongue; and whether they should employ curses as well as blessings (just like some in the Qumran movement). These fissures, if left to fester, could cause sinat chinam (baseless hatred) and put the group at risk of disbanding, so it’s up to the leadership to promote strategies for clarity and unity.
Underneath the Binyan, the former Shrine of the Book, Cheleq studies the Milhamah Scroll, a prophetic translation of Bavel’s war plans to attack the capital city of ‘Ir Reshumim and gather the remaining glyphs that it needs.
Ḥeleq wants to gain custody of the glyphs to keep them from Bavel. It also seeks to develop special banners, trumpets and other divine weapons that will help them do this. It also seeks to collect Shoresh roots, which it believes are the fossilized roots of the Etz Chayim, the Tree of Life. (In contrast, Bavel believes that the roots come from the Tree of Knowledge, aka Tachbir the Syntax Tree.)
The Society’s core team is estimated at around a dozen members, though its outer circle of supporters may range from 50 to 150 people. Core team members include:
- Shem ‘Etzem
- Tiqwah Tawit
- Etgar Toar
- Em Qeren-Or Qeriah
- Pele Po’al
- Kena’an Kinnui
- Soreq Qisshur
- Refesh Mispar
- Millah Millit
- Mahseyah Yahas
Minor members include:
- ‘Ezra ‘Ezer
- Shalhevet Shelilah
Outer circle members include:
- Arigah Egronait
The nickname Ḥeleq also means “part” in Hebrew, alluding to its membership being the grammatical parts of speech. So the War Scroll’s “War of Divisions” (milhamat ha-machlaqot) could also allude to the “War of the Parts (of Speech).”
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