Deceiving Cheese Thief

Deceiving Cheese Thief


INKTOBER DAY 22 (HEIST): The Deceiving Cheese Thieves dare to steal dairy products in the southern Negev Desert. Under a gibbous moon, they stealthily infiltrate cheesemaker shops to forage for fromage. They love moldy and maggot-infested cheeses since those cause delusions and hallucinations when eaten.

Upon completing the heist, the cheese thief smuggles treasure on his back and uses a wipe to clean up traces of evidence at the crime scene. And if threatened, the thief’s touch causes caseation, necrotizing a victim’s flesh into a cheesy goop.

  • Shoresh family: בגנ
  • Habitat: Medinat Mem, Desert
  • Attributes: DOM 1R, VIG 1R. GRA 3R, CRE 2R, WIS 1R, PEA 4R, BLE 2R
  • Tags: Steal, Dairy, Food, Deceiving, Wipe, Death

インクトーバー 22 日目 (強盗): 欺くチーズ泥棒はネゲブ砂漠南部で乳製品を盗もうとします。 寝待月の下、彼らはこっそりとチーズメーカーの店に潜入してフロマージュを探します。 彼らは、食べると妄想や幻覚を引き起こすので、彼らはかびの生えた、うじ虫が付いたチーズが大好きです。


Kite Flying Fowl

Kite Flying Fowl

INKTOBER DAY 16 (FOWL): The Kite Flying Fowl gets gloomy and worried when she can’t fly to catch winged insects. But with the help of double kites, a directional breeze and a bit of reckless zeal, this chicken can still sail the skies. While in the air, the hen has excellent navigation, dark vision and farsighted abilities — to the point where she can supposedly predict the future.

  • Shoresh family: ועף
  • Attributes: DOM 1R, VIG 1R, GRA 2R, CRE 4R, WIS 3R, PEA 1R, BLE 4R
  • Habitat: Medinat Zayin, Medinat Mem, Mountains
  • Tags: Bird, Discouragement, Fly, Darkness, Revelation, See

インクトーバー 16 日目 (鶏): 凧揚げ鶏は、翼のある昆虫を捕まえるために飛ぶことができないと憂鬱になり、心配になります。 しかし、二枚の凧、指向性のそよ風、そして少しの無謀な熱意の助けを借りて、このニワトリは空を飛ぶことができます. 空にいる間、めんどりはすごいナビゲーション、暗視、遠視能力を持っており、おそらく未来を予測できるほどです。