Arid Annihilator Sword is cut and dried

The Arid Annihilator will evaporate the enemy's chances at victory.

The Arid Annihilator Sword is a cut-and-dried weapon used by many warriors in the Milḥamah War. Its slash wreaks havoc on an enemy’s body, but the blade rarely gets bloody since all liquids quickly dissolve or evaporate upon its surface. However, wielders have to watch out for dehydration, so they usually use this sword for limited amounts of time.

The weapon is based on the חרב shoresh root, which has to do with destruction, droughts and carob.

Arid Annihilator Sword in Milhamah RPG

Shoresh: חרב
Gematria: 210
Type: Melee Weapon: Sword
Handedness: One
Rarity: Lv. 2 (Silver)
Value: ₪2400
Size: Medium
Encumbrance: I triomino
Base Attribute Modifiers: CRE+1D, GRA+1D
Skill Modifiers: Intimidation +1D
Damage type:
Heat, Slashing
Semantic Domains: Weapon, Destroy, Dry, Liquid Removal, Weather, Agriculture
Speech acts:

  • Drought of Destruction (חרב): Qal stance. The user dwells on fiery anger or passion, imbuing his body with hydrophobic heat and causing the moisture to evaporate from objects and the air within a spherical area. The affected area might also be prone to cosmetic heat haze. 
    • Noncombat: Roll DOM or VIG to hit. On average (3S), this speech act has a higher cost (2 MP), takes two items with relevant semantic domains to prepare, two minutes to enact, lasts up to two hours and covers a radius of about 100 meters (or 300 feet). It is difficult (2S minimum required) to control well.
    • Success: The air in the affected area feels dry, plants may wither and living beings may get thirsty or fatigued. In areas with high moisture or lots of water, this skill might not actually harm ordinary living creatures and instead, for instance, evaporate pools of water or dry out soaked clothes. But in temperate or already dry climates, it may do combat damage.
    • Failure to hit: Failure can mean no dehydration occurs, or the area becomes wetter and more humid. Botching can cause the user to take 1DN Dry damage, and 1 Wound (ignoring armor) if the user has Water or Wet semantic domains. In addition, botching may cause combat damage to targets in range when unintended.
    • Combat Damage: When intending to harm, this skill on average does Success Margin +1DN Dry damage, and 1 Wound (ignoring armor) if the user has Water or Wet semantic domains.